Weekend Meme: End of The Year Meme

>> Saturday, January 03, 2009

I've been feeling a bit blah about posting these few days. I think this not working thing is overrated, so if I ever win the lottery while having a job, I might be one of those assholes still insist on working. You've got to have a hobby somehow.

Found this very introspective meme from Ur-Spo at Spo-Reflections, I think it'd be useful to reflect on the past year so I can scheme for a better one this time around. Let's hope it works.

Happiest Event of 2008?

Getting to know a bunch of new friends that actively fill my weekend schedules.

Worst part of 2008?

Getting laid off.

Most unusual activity I participated in during 2008?

Receiving money (Unemployment Compensations) for not working.

Most enjoyable trip I took this year?

Going to San Francisco for Folsom was one of the most memorable things.

Most exciting theater experiences?

Theater experience? Not much this year. Does Margaret Cho's Beautiful Tour counts?

Most Embarrassing?

Let's see... Haven't shitted my pants, not this year anyway... I guess getting laid off still.

Best Movie?

Haven't had much strong cinematic experience. I think I like Iron Man the best, even though I knew the plot ahead of time, seeing it on the big screen with convincing special effects is still really nice.

Best CD?

Adele's 19. Even though I didn't give it as high a mark as Duffy's Rockferry or John Legend's Evolver but it just grows and grows on me.She's got a great voice and her songs are so personal and relatable. I would have said Jill Scott's Live in Paris too, but that was around 10 months ago and my memory fades.

Most Exciting Night?

Hmm... sex aside. (which is always exciting) The most exciting night of the year would be split between getting to meet Margaret Cho and Liam Sullivan in person and going to the Henri David Halloween Ball in costume

Biggest Disappointment?

The various boys who are taken, unavailable and incompatible.

Were New Year Resolution(s) kept?

I didn't have any, so... nope.

Were there any major house changes this year?

I think it's still the unemployed thing. Other than that it's business as usual.

Blogging 2008; any high or low points?

My post numbers have increased 83.5%, in average I post almost more than once a day.

I changed to a blog template that I like. If I can only get an unique photo for my header, it'd be perfect.

My blogroll has more websites now and I get to know more and more folks, which is good. I also got to meet Sue. Got linked for event pictures, some other blogs even published some of my pics which is flaterring.

Started the weekend meme format (including posts like this one) for sheer laziness. Yeehaw!

The low points would be losing all the data from transferring templates, so I've lost counts of my visitors and website data, but oh well, who need those?

3 Wishes for 2009?

Get a job, find a boyfriend, move out.

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