Still Heavy-Hearted

>> Thursday, July 17, 2008

I still can't quite get over Lucius, maybe I'm not obsessing over him but a caricature of him that I've created in my head. If I do see him again it might be quite different but it is still making me miserable. Following Jack Wrangler's documentary, he said he once got dumped and drank vodka whenever it hurts for 3 weeks and one day it just stopped hurting. Then he starts looking in the mirror and wonder what it would take to become a player and traded his geekiness for the some gym muscles. Maybe I could do the same? (yeah, right.)

My misery was further expanded when there was no internet at work, due to some scuffle with Verizon. They misplaced our service call and keep canceling our order because the status of our order shows differently in their systems. It's not the first time that happened to us, you really have to get on the phone for them to transfer you all over the place for an hour until a) they disconnect you by "accident" or b) they tell you what you want can't be done until a week later. Our office manger had to threatened them somehow and be on the phone for 2 hours until they succumbed. And I thought it couldn't be done but good for her. Seriously though, Verizon's customer service sucks big time.

To drown out my thoughts, I rented Girls Will Be Girls the Movie. I had some pretty big laughs, and I think I liked the shorts better although it was necessary to watch the movie because it did provide some clarity and background. Afterwards I watched Season 5 of Project Runway on TV, the Asian guy got kicked off on the very first episode. I have to say that his garment wasn't pretty and his personality probably wouldn't produce a lot of drama. I understood why they kicked him out even the other gal just sewn some black plastic bags together to cover the model up and pretend she was clothed. I still lament that he's the first one out because it is so rare to see an Asian guy on TV. (It's down to William Hung, Bobby Lee, Eric Mapa and him)

I like you Jerry but if you have lost the gloves, it would have been that much better already, the black trash bags might look nice with those shoes in a still shot but on TV it's clearly a WTF.

Tonight I'm going to see Mamma Mia, I'm still brushing up on my ABBA. It could be a lot of fun, I could be having a few nice gay global-chant karaoke moments. But still if I could freeze my heart and not feel for a while, I would have done it.

*** Addendum ***

Although I'd like to pretend I can bounce back real fast but actually I can't. It might sound good in theory but it's really not a competition to see who can forget who first. It shouldn't be like that anyway. When you felt a genuine connection with someone, what's the timeframe it should be to get over someone?

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