Earth Hour 2009

>> Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wherever you are, turn off your unnecessary lights and electronics tonight at 8:30pm for an hour and join the global effort to conserve energy and reduce our collective carbon footprints. If possible, turn all lights and electronics off!

Personally, I'll turn of my bathroom light that usually remains on at all time. All my electronics including my water heater, computer, external hard drive, TV, cable box, DVD player will be all off as well. (Sorry, can't turn the refrigerator off.)

It's symbolic of course, but it's a good way to introduce energy conservation to your kids and maybe every little bit does help. What do you do in that hour? Some suggest a candlelit dinner, playing boardgames by the fireplace, take a walk and look at the starlit sky. For a more adult theme, how about strip poker or sex? Even turning all your lights and electronics off and going out to a bar and use their electricity should work.

Again, it's 8:30pm ~ 9:30pm wherever you are.

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