Weekend Meme: Gimme 5

>> Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've already since this Meme coming since last week and got tagged by David at Dit21.

Here is how the game is played:

1. Share 5 unknown Facts about yourself.
2. Pay it forward! Link 5 more bloggers and include their names in your post.
3. Leave them a comment on their blog and let them know that they’ve been tagged.

Since I've been sharing a lot on this blog, I don't really know if I can find anything no one knows about, but let me try:

1. Since my father has a "Mediterranean", a Cantonese term that describes a hairstyle which there's hair on the sides of the head but nothing on top. I have been scared all my life about losing my hair since they are really fine. During my high school years, I have been losing a good amount of hair and you can practically see my scalp from afar. I have been nicknamed baldy, and I shaved my head just for the hell of it. But lately, they are coming out in drones, my head of hair has never been fuller. It could be because I've started to use conditioners (which has never been a habit before) or they are just coming out for one last time and jump off my scalp altogether on my 33rd birthday as I'm blowing off my candles.

2. Some people feels happy when its sunny out, but I get excited when it's windy, rainy, stormy or snowy. Maybe it's because back in Hong Kong we didn't have to go to school when there's a typhoon. I feel safer indoors when the weather elements are acting up outside. Does that make sense to any of you? Heat tends to make me miserable.

3. Since I've been brought up in the Chinese culture, there aren't a lot of things that would faze me food-wise. Yes folks, I've put more things in my mouth than I'd ever cared to admit. I've eaten snakes, crocodiles, kangaroos, horses, deers, pangolins, pigeons, quails, ducks, geese and a lot of things unidentifiable in the name of Chinese medicine. What doesn't kill you make you stronger, right? I've never tried cats, dogs or monkeys and I have no intention of trying. I'm not here to argue the similarities of biting your nails and cannibalism either. My point is, with my vast gastronomical experience, the two worst tasting things I've ever put in my mouth are dried oysters and sea urchin... Yuck!

4. Although I don't know how to play any music instruments and don't know how to read music, I've written three songs in my high school years with the help of a friend. It is nothing that I can control, sometimes tunes just comes out in my head and I couldn't capture them fast enough. I need a recorder or really learn how to write them down, but this phenomenon has ceased as I'm growing older. I should have an album by now if they weren't as easily forgotten as they do coming out... My album would have to be sung by someone else of course. I don't have the voice even though I'd like to believe I do.

5. I don't know how to drive for the fear of running over someone or cause death. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I ever kill anyone. So without that ability, I also don't have the ability to recognize a car. A lot of times after a person gave me a ride, I wouldn't be able to tell what brand or model it is or the year it was made. I'm also a bit color blind, so I would be the worst witness of an accident that involves cars. Of course, at times I'll get a glimpse of the logo somehow and realize that it's a Toyota or a Saab, but most of the time just by looking at a car, I can't tell you the difference between a Honda and an Oldsmobile. I just know that I like Mini Coopers. I understand it might be a bit pathetic, but since I don't drive I don't need to pay for gas, insurance, parking and car payments. lol. One of these days, I'll learn to drive.

Like before, I'm not gonna tag anyone. Share something about yourself if you want. :)

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