Pitching Gays Against Other Minorities

>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

I was just at a meeting with the folks at the Gay Luck Club discussing about the National Protest this Saturday and I was appalled to find out that some local LGBT minority organization is refusing to endorse the protest because people of color were not included in the organization of "No on Prop 8" and now their communities are getting blamed for it. I've heard about the background story to it, some argued that Californians didn't do the best job they can before the election to reach out to the minorities and no rallies were organized beforehand but who would benefit from refusing to endorse the protest now?

I guess it is confusing for people with multiple identities and minorities often felt that we are not included in the decision making process of things, we all want to be heard, but to withdraw support and use it as a bargaining chip in the political field is wrong. "We're not going to support you until you let us in the process." No, if you believe in the cause, support it. It should be as simple as that. I don't tell Red Cross to make me a board member before I donate blood. What kinda passive aggressive bullshit, is that? Either get yourself involved in the organization of things or start your own activity to protest. Sure, the race issue is important but when there is a common enemy, you don't start the fight by fighting amongst ourselves. If we do, racist homophobic fuckers like Bill O'Reilly will win.

I guess when an organization takes form, it'll run with a mission and forget all common sense. How would people know that we are serious about marriage equality if we can't present an united front? And must we include people of every race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age group, income level, intelligence level, mobility level in every decision we make and activities we do? Not that I don't have any respect for people different than me but why are they waiting to be asked? We all have resentment about The Man, the older white man that controls everything but to a point we'd have to say fuck the man and start doing our own thing and organize our own rallies even we might be fighting for the exact same cause.

We need a gay minority spokesperson, dammit!

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