The Gay Mega Porn Star Has Risen
>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009
There's a very strange obsession in Japan with gay people. Girls, female comic illustrators imagine gay folks as an incredible elegant, romantic creatures that are all dolled up and sparkly-eyed. Others portrayed us as sorta overtly sexual in a comedic kinda way.
Around March there were quite a bit of videos floating around with people who edited gay porn videos and anime together in a techno tune. It seems that it was a big craze in Japan. Of all the porn stars, Billy Herrington seems to have made it big in Japan. He is revered affectionately as Big Brother and I have to admit that I was too quite taken by his look 10 years ago especially when he was a bit scruffy and not clean shaven but as of this date, 4000 mash-up videos were made with cameos of his porno movies. (Even though most of the Youtube ones were deleted because of the sexual contents.)Action figures are made and sold for 2,500 yen each and on top of that a video game. It's only the logical next step. The story is set in the woods where Billy and his companions live peacefully listening to technos and tone their bodies but one day developers come in and try to turn everything into roads. So Billy and his buddies are trying to stop the constructions. Lame, and yet I've known gay men who live in the burbs and trying to prevent developers to buying land near them and turning into housing developments. Hmm... But what's with all the near nakedness but using baby's head to hide their privates? It doesn't look like a game I'd like to play at all but I'm still tempted to buy a copy for the novelty of it.
Could they be the Ambiguously Gay Duo?