R.I.P. Sony Eric 810

>> Monday, December 29, 2008

(My) Sony Eric 810 was found in a cataonic state this early afternoon after being kidnapped by a pair of Lucky jeans and drowned in the abyss of the washing machine. Rescue worker in the form of a hair dryer came to the scene and offered the breath of life, but proved to be futile and highly unrecommended. Currently we are using Chinese medicine on him by burying Mr. Eric in a tub of long grain Jasmine rice. (Bless the Asian habit of keeping rice.) But this reporter's outlook is pretty much the same as the crowd gathering outside John Paul II's building on that very fateful day, If we have to count on Chinese mediicine as a last resort Mr. Eric is surely passing on to the netherworld.

Mr. Eric is survived by his charger, an USB connector, his sim card, his battery and hopefully his memory card and its contents. I'm sure he'll be missed, but we'll be glad to hear that his distant relative Sony Eric 850 from the land of Ebay will replace him as the prime minister of communications for the State that is YvesPaul.

In memory of 810, let's take a moment to review his best work:

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