The Joy of New Jeans

>> Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Miraculously, I've shrunk a size maybe even a few. It is hard to explain since I don't exercise much, but here it is some concrete proof:

When I was at the doctor's last week for my cough, I was waiting in one of the offices. Out of curiosity and boredom, I flipped through my chart and throughout the years I've lost at least 20 lbs.

Yesterday, Medic Guy called out of the blue and wanted to hang out before moving down to DC, so we went to do some shopping. I needed a pair of new jeans and some more clothes so I don't look like a homeless person around my friends. So we went to the Lucky Brand store, I find their Jeans nice and more affordable than your regular specialty stores. (I don't need a $300 pair of jeans.) I have been seeing some people cuffing their jeans and I thought I like the look, so I thought that's what I want to get. The store clerk took a look at me and said I should take 2 inches off my waist. I thought she was just bullshiting me and laughed and told her that's one of the nicest things anybody had said to me in a while. Usually when I go shopping I don't even try things on and go for my usually size clothes, why bother? But for jeans, I don't know what looks good and what doesn't, so I usually bring a friend along so someone else can tell me when I try them on.

After trying the things that the store clerk brought me which I thought it was a few inches too small, and some shirts that is one size smaller, I'm surprised that they all fits perfectly! I can sit down, stand up, even lift up my leg with no problems, there's even space left at the waist. It made me so happy that I bought two pairs of jeans, officially doubling my jeans ownership. It should serve as a proper motivation to keep my current size or even losing more.

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