The Slut Syndrome

>> Saturday, December 01, 2007

I was reading Jonathan Bass' "How To Get Laid" because like I said before I don't have a clue on how cruising works and I need a book to teach me.

One of th chapters in the book mentioned in that there's is a time in every gay men's life that is called the Slutty Phase. The theory is that straight men get into dating and sex in a much younger age while gay men had to repress their sex life until they moved out of their parents' house. Being closeted retards the sexual and social development of gay men, so when the floodgates open we are so excited that we all become sluts. This phase could lasts for a year, and some people even get stuck being a slut that they become sexually addicted.

Of course somehow I feel better after reading this because since Principe is gone I have been on some kind of sexual rampage. I have never been single since I've came out and I have to say being alone scares me, so I'm using sex to get attention. (Wrong move?) Anyway, I can't denied that it isn't fun. Sex is fun.

And for a socially awkward person like me, dating is quite intimidating. Although I'm going to have a date tonight with a guy that I've seen online and we just saw each other on the street yesterday. I got an email afterwards and apparently he liked what he saw and scheduled a date with me immediately. Wish me luck.

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