Weekend Meme: Sassy Meme

>> Saturday, July 03, 2010

Saw this over at Lady Bunny's Blog and I can't help but laugh.

I liked Destiny's Child a lot when they first came out, the songs were catchy and memorable, because they do repeat song catch phrases a lot but I've never been a big Beyonce fan. She demands attention, she overshadows her band members, the whole producer/manager father and cutting off band members who doesn't follow her orders leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Today, I dug deep into Sunday Stealing's vault to bring you this old meme called Sassy Meme.

1. If you could say anything you wanted to say to George Bush, what would you say?
"How a stupid idiot like you got to be the president is beyond me, you destroyed the country and left it in the worst and most polarized state ever. I hope you selfish, greedy bastard will suffer and burn in hell."

2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why?
I guess I'd rather be Britney's mom, at least they have some remote family life with the grandsons and all. Lindsay is pretty much unhirable at this moment and she has dumped her fortune to cocaine. Maybe there are still some hope for Britney?

3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day?
If I have unlimited spending power for one day and I can't save it for later. I guess I'll spend half a day shopping and exploring a city, then the rest in a quiet island resort spending some quiet times near water and getting pampered.

4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one?
Hm... I just answered this question not long ago and I couldn't think of one but just today I found this online:

Tired by Deanie Ip

5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
Perfect body, that seems to be a lot more important to the gays.

6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why?
I'm not really sure but I guess it'd be somewhere less hot and with a beach nearby. Of all the things I've been, I think it'd be San Francisco or Miami Beach, but I've fantasized about Greece often.

7. What is your biggest regret in life?
Thus far, it would be the choice of attending the same college and move in with my high school buddy. At the end, we're buddy no more.

8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it?
I would visit my mother. I would try to get to know her a lot better, like what her hopes and dreams are.

9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why?
Aging backwards seems to have a whole lot of benefits, that way you'll have experience, knowledge and a youthful body at the same time.

10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say?
"...was a good, kind person."

Have a great 4th of July Weekend!

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