My Six Quirks

>> Monday, March 10, 2008

1.Link to the person who tagged you.
2.Post the rules on your blog.
3.Share six non important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4.Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5.Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Alrighty then. Yes, Toni. I'll play. ^^

My quirks:

1. If possible, I rather stay home all day.
2. My favorite place to go when I'm outside is the supermarket.
3. If possible, I would wear the same pair of pants all week and it's possibly because I was brought up wearing uniforms.
4. My shirt and pants ratio in my wardrobe is about 7 to 1, which is somewhat intentional. (I don't think people pay attention to the lowrer half of the body of other people, at least I don't)
5. I usually don't buy a new pair of shoes unless one of my old pairs in breaking apart.
6. I don't want to learn how to drive because I'm afraid I might accidentaly kill someone.

Um... I just realized that I'm slowly turning into Sean Connery in Finding Forrester. Scary...

Since everyone who reads my blog has already been tag one way or another. I'll make this voluntary.

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