Mardi Gras 2009
>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy Mardi Gras, y'all! Let the sins begin!
I thought my favorite sin of all was gluttony, since when I saw this ham and cheese sandwich with eggs on top at This is Why You're Fat, I thought I wouldn't mind having a bite. What exactly do you call 11 Croque Madame all together? A Croque Brothel? A Croque Convent?
But instead of having this amazing sandwich, I'm having this shake and bake. Not the edible kind either. I've fallen ill with some kind of an infection and running a fever. With no appetite, I guess gluttony cannot be the sin of choice today, nor lust or wrath. I have no energy for either of that. According to this, greed and envy are not my strong suits either. The pride part of me thinks that by being sick might help me lose a few part. But now let me get comfortable of being a sloth and sleep it away. I stayed in bed almost all day yesterday. I'm not giving up anything for lent anyway.
Gotta get some chicken noodle soup. Hope you guys have a fun day!